This cold-water variety is a unique type of fish, especially considering how far north it is. It spawns in freshwater and makes its way to the Arctic Ocean. It’s the most northern freshwater fish in the world, and it makes for a great fishing experience.
In addition to being found in Alaska, it is also found rarely in the Northern waters surrounding the United Kingdom. It’s also frequently around the Nordic countries. In fact, it’s a commonly fished specimen in and around Northern Europe.
This fish averages between five and nine pounds, and they are an average length of about 16 inches. It’s not too uncommon to find fish that weigh in at over 20 pounds though.
Fishing Methods and Techniques
The methods of actually catching this fish vary from area to area. It’s not too uncommon for fishermen to simply wade out into the water and cast out their line. However, this requires stepping into treacherously cold waters most of the time.
A more common technique is boat fishing. Fishing in this manner is especially interesting when it comes to this arctic fish. The fish doesn’t generally swim below ten feet below the surface of the water, so it’s never difficult to get plenty of bites whether you’re in deep water or a shallower area.
The ideal time for fishing for this particular type of fish in Alaska is from late May through early June. This is when the younger population of fish first migrates out into the ocean to feed on salmon and other fish. It’s still possible to find the fish during the rest of the years, but you’ll likely have to head to a salt-lake or a big river to find them.
Fishing in Alaska
Avid fishermen should definitely consider a trip to Alaska. It’s a unique experience that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. The entire process of planning your trip can be daunting though. It’s a huge state with lots of wild lands, and that can be intimidating for a lot of people.
By working with a professional sports fishing company, you can avoid learning all the complex fishing regulations in America’s largest state. The company themselves will make sure you’re fishing within the confines of the law and take you directly to the great fishing spots in around the area.
Action Alaska Sportfishing in Sitka, Alaska is one of the greatest options for visitors to take advantage of. They offer sightseeing in addition to saltwater sport fishing, so you can employ their services even if you aren’t interesting in casting out a pole. The company has over 30 years of experience fishing in Alaska, so they can provide you with all the knowledge you need to pull in a huge catch.
During their time in operation, they’ve crafted an excellent fishing experience that’s safe and appropriate for the entire family. They even prepare your fish for using insulated liners, ensuring it stays frozen no matter how far away you’ll be traveling.