Alaska is one of the most popular fishing destinations, and for good reasons. Those who enjoy fishing can soak up the gorgeous views while catching fish they have never fished for before. One example of this is the halibut fish. This fish sits right up there with the King Alaskan Salmon as far as popularity goes. It’s also one of the many reasons why people from all over flock to Alaska for fishing trips. If you have yet to catch the elusive halibut fish, look no further than Action Alaska for all of your fishing charter needs. Our team and captain, Captain Cody Loomis, are here to guide you through the Alaska waters and help you catch halibut.
After you plan your trip and book your flights, lodging, and charter, make sure to brush up on your halibut fishing tips. That way, you can embark on your fishing charter with a refresher.
Keep reading to see Action Alaska’s top three halibut fishing tips.
Patience is Key
If there’s one thing every fisherman or woman knows, it’s to be patient. No matter what you are fishing for, being patient is something you can benefit from. Fish are unpredictable and are not always going to bite right away. However, the halibut fish are really going to require patience. The best thing to do is stay vigilant and relaxed, even if the fish does bite. You want to move the fishing line with ease to not rip through the fish. If you yank the line up too quickly, you likely won’t get the fish, and it will escape. It might take a few tries to master patience, but that’s what our charter staff and Captain are for.
Use Big Bait
The bigger the bait, the easier it is to catch larger-sized fish, such as the halibut. If you have found yourself using smaller-sized bait, it might be time to upgrade it. Many people use a variety of bait types for the halibut fish; however, one of the more popular types is salmon. Some people even opt to use the salmon head as it is one of the bigger fish parts and can attract the enormous halibut. If you utilize the bigger bait size and still are not attracting fish, we recommend taking advantage of tip one and staying patient. The fish will come with time. Constantly switching out the bait or moving around too much will scare off the big halibut.
Plan Accordingly
Like any other fishing trip, the Action Alaska halibut fishing charter requires some planning. The halibut fish is around all of the time, regardless of the seasons. However, each season will change the behavior of the fish. This shift in behavior can either make them easier or more challenging to catch. But, either way, our captain is here to remind you of the best tips and will accommodate the charter based on the seasons and expected fish behavior. We know the halibut fish well and make sure you get the ultimate fishing experience no matter if it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter. The halibut is an elusive fish and one that many want to catch at least once. With Action Alaska, we make sure you get your hands on a halibut fish.
Reserve Your Spot on the Action Alaska Fishing Charter Today
At Action Alaska, we make your life easier for you. With our captain, Captain Cody Loomis, onboard each fishing charter, you can learn tips and tricks that you can take with you anywhere. We also provide all of the necessary supplies for fishing in Alaska. The only exception is your fishing license for the state and specific fish. We make it that easy!
Have you booked your fishing charter yet?
If not, visit the Action Alaska website to reserve your spot before they are all booked. The fishing charters are quite popular at all times throughout the year. Whether you want to enjoy your summer days on our fishing charter or bundle up for winter while out on the water, there are options for you.
Give our team a call today at (907) 312-1486 to book your Alaska halibut fishing charter. Our team is looking forward to having you aboard our charter!